What’s the Value of an Automated Click-and-Collect Solution
Retail’s age of innovation is here. Predicting your customers’ buying habits and expectations for your brand can seem daunting. I read a warning label in a report this morning by HighStreet Collective that said,
“Technology should always be strategically used with the shopper in mind. If the thought is that technology will replace human interaction, think long and hard about how that will make the shopper feel upon arriving in your store.”
This may seem like a ridiculous statement to some, but for retailers, it’s critical to keep in mind when choosing how a consumer interacts with your brand. From augmented reality (AR) to artificial intelligence (AI) to automated self-service kiosks, the innovative tech market is vast and expanding.
There are multiple things to consider when choosing a solution, such as:
“If I implement, then how will this improve my customer’s shopping experience?”
“Will this provide additional benefits to my company as well as the customer?”
“What is the ROI?”
“Will my customers even use it?”
“Will this new technology quickly become passé?”
These considerations have been a focal point at Bell and Howell with our click-and-collect solutions portfolio. We believe there’s a natural progression from innovative, new technologies to becoming the standard in the retail industry. Think about the implementation of self-checkout aisles or ATM machines at the front of the store. We believe that automated in-store pickup kiosks will reach that standard.
After working with the world’s largest retailer and successfully deploying our in-store pickup solutions to over 600 locations nationwide in the last two years, we’ve learned a lot from the insights we’ve collected. Find out five key benefits beyond the hard ROI that an automated self-service solution can provide to your brick-and-mortar store in our latest report, “The Real Value of an Automated Click-and-Collect Solution.”
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