Whether you need consulting, troubleshooting, or repairs, our unmatched 24/7 customer service center is open when you are.
Get help or advice when you need it, where you need it. With more than 800 technicians and 400 part-stocking locations nationwide, we’re here for you wherever “here” may be.
We’re redefining proactive service with our remote monitoring and repair solutions, identifying and fixing anomalies before they become major issues.
Automated answering services and lengthy menu trees don’t cut it at Bell and Howell. Our first priority is directing you to a live agent and network operations center no matter when you call. If a live agent isn’t immediately available to take your call, you can hold, leave a message, or send an email for prompt attention to your inquiry.
If you’re an original equipment manufacturer who doesn’t want the headache of handling 24/7 support, we’ve got your back. Our call center takes inbound service calls from a range of OEMs while simultaneously serving as a central hub to our technicians in the field. Provide first-class operational support to your customers without adding an entire division to your company.
You shouldn’t have to wait for solutions. We’re committed to resolving your issue within two hours – and on the off chance it doesn’t happen, we’ll swiftly escalate it to a senior executive. If an on-site resolution is needed, a technician will arrive at your site within a four-hour window.
Get in touch to chat about how we can address your automation needs through best-in-class services, equipment, and software.
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