Unmatched Automation Services

Backing Industry Leading Automation Solutions

A Legacy Built Around Customer Care

We believe in putting our customers first. Bell and Howell is one of North America’s largest robotics and automation service organizations, built on a foundation of integrity and excellence. As the leading provider of mission-critical automation services and solutions, we revolutionize technology and automation to deliver seamless and efficient customer experiences. For the latest news and updates from Bell and Howell, follow us on LinkedIn.

Doing The Right Thing

A Legacy Built Around Customer Care

Bell and Howell operates as two synergistic organizations: a leading provider of automation services and a seller of advanced automation equipment—whether made by us or others—backed by our trusted service expertise.

With cutting-edge technologies like robotics and machine learning, we specialize in remote monitoring, servicing, and analytics, helping customers enhance efficiency, cut costs, and optimize workflows.

Dedicated to Community

We’re passionate about giving back to our customers, employees, and community. That’s why we regularly volunteer, donate, and organize community initiatives. For us, community service is a duty, and we’re honored to participate.

Join the Bell and Howell Team

As one of the most sophisticated service organizations in the world, we’re always looking for new faces to join our team of innovators.

Meet Our Leaders

With decades of combined experience, Bell and Howell’s executive team helps drive the company’s pursuit of uncompromising service and innovation

Bell and Howell by the Numbers

0 %
Certified Technical Team
0 +
training courses
0 +
machines serviced

0 +
locations with next-day parts replenishing
hours guaranteed service
technician arrival
customer call center

Let's Talk Solutions

No Hassle, No Obligation

Get in touch to chat about how we can address your automation needs through best-in-class services, equipment, and software.